Playing baseball with the Cologne Cardinals

First everybody walked to the underground. After a few minutes the train came and we all went inside. We had quite a long ride to Junkersdorf, but it was worth it - we made it to the Rhein-Energie-Stadion. We went over the street and saw a sign that said: ‘Cologne Cardinals’. Everybody went crazy, when they saw the sign. After a short walk through the forest, we arrived at the baseball camp. Our two American coaches introduced themselves. There names were Don and Max and they were from Washington D.C.. We started to practice how to throw and catch the ball. After a lot of throwing and catching, we practiced how to hit the ball with the baseball bat. We also practiced how to play defensive and offensive. After some practice we played a real game. It was a lot of fun. After playing so much, we ate some yummy lunch together and then we went home. Our class really enjoyed the trip with Mrs Denz (English teacher) and Mr Leis (class teacher). Sadly, we can't always play baseball in our English lessons.